
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whatever, I believe in Unicorns, too

So I really believe that there is at least one person reading this. Maybe even a few, but more than four I know is pushing it. Hard.
But there's at least one, from Russia, perhaps. Because, of course-Russia.
But as unrealistic as that sort of thinking is, I also dare to dream that that
knows why the photographs that I upload to my computer (via a disc which I had my negatives scanned onto, which is how we do it) are marked in properties as being "Read Only".

In case that sentence was two paranthetically convoluted:
The pictures on my computer are all marked as being "Read Only", and I want to know why.
Read Only means I can't adjust them at all, even to right an upside down tree.

I know that I can go into the properties and switch it, so it is no longer Read Only, but doing that individually is kind of a pain.

Yeah, I do have lots of upside down trees. What of it?

So, dear most likely a Russian, if you should happen by and see this, and you do in fact have knowledge of this annoying situation, could you please tell me what I can do about it?


  1. First things first, Sweetie: my little elves tell me that three other people share my distinction of subscribing to your manifesto with Google Reader. I (and those other three) might not show up in your statistics, but I really do (and I must presume that the other three people also really do) see each and every one of your truly amazing and edifying posts.

    Well... I feel edified anyway.

    Second, I'm totally not Russian. I have no excuse really. I'd have thought one up, but I didn't know I'd need one. If I do need an excuse for not being Russian, I will do my very best to conjure one up. I don't promise that it will be a good excuse, but I WILL make it a really whiney excuse.

    Why are your pictures like that? My guess is that someone, somewhere, thinks your pictures will be just a teensy bit safer from the vile specter of malicious tampering by making the properties of the scanned files "read only." Maybe it keeps your JPEGs from spontaneously combusting. Maybe it’s some kind of prophylactic against viruses or the like. Whatever. I'm going to pretend that I'm truly and awesomely impressed by the shear scope of the human kindness in evidence. It's just a little check box, and some automated process probably checked it, but it surely is evidence of a teeny, tiny bit of concern for YOU. I think it's sweet. That's my story and I'm sticking to it (mostly because hatching an excuse for not being Russian has been proving a trifle more difficult than I thought it would).

    Third (and last, proving that there may well be justice on this Earth): I think you might be able to select all of your picture files, right click, and then uncheck the "read only" box for the whole lot of them in one fell swoop. The process will, I have no doubt at all, be much more fun if you laugh, cackle, and shriek in the most maniacal voice ever. I mean... it's like a super-power or something. That's what I would do. Well... I cackle maniacally when I open an image file, but that's just me. The cackling IS optional, but can there be any doubt that it will be more fun with the cackle than without it?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The fact that I'm something of a simpleton does not, I want you to know, detract in any way from the fact that you, good sir, are a the maddest of geniuses!

  4. Plus, you didn't even mention how my first picture, which served to exemplify my "problem"(because really, my calling this a problem is like Mitt Romney saying, well, anything), is simply sideways, as opposed to being upside down. So not only are you a mad genius, you're polite.

    God help us all.
