
Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Best Stuff Ever (this week), Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ah, the Internet. The. World. Wide. Web.
I have many debates with myself and others about this magical portal to absolutely everything/sick, soul sucking vortex. Yes, it expands our world and our ability to connect, but does it also limit our ability to connect with the real and immediate worlds we inhabit offline?

I'm conflicted. I don't really like the way interpersonal communications have changed. I think the bonds that people under twenty five are forming are much less substantial and cohesive than in the past. I think they think differently, and less critically.

 I'm also troubled by Internet pornography. I think it's completely rewiring the sexuality and bonding abilities of younger generations who are exposed to porn at ever younger ages. The average age of first exposure for boys is eleven. They have pretty much unfettered access to depictions of virtually any act imaginable. Meanwhile, middle school girls report that their suitors expect tit shots on demand. Many girls now show a boy their breasts before they even kiss. Or really talk, even.

Is that not crazy?


as much as certain aspects of technology and the Internet sometimes trouble me, I do enjoy and regularly partake of the good: The instant access to practically any song I might feel like hearing or any film I'd like to watch. The availability of a global perspective of world affairs from foreign news and journalism sites, such as The Daily Mail. LOL Cats...Online shopping...The random funny videos you stumble across. There is a lot to love.

So here, in what may become a regular feature, I shall share with you some of the things I most loved from the Internet this week.

First, the requisite funny cat video:

Henri is one foxy feline philosopher, non?
Speaking of foxy, here's the first of my favorite photographs by others this week.
via the toy camera blog
Ohmymotherf'inggod, right? That has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. Seriously.
The other image that caught my eye this week is a bit more colorful
via Lomography
It just looks like spring, doesn't it? It makes me want to skip.
The very best thing, though, that I found on the Internet this week is this video. Oh, the laughs I've had during the many, many times I've watched it this week. Each viewing something different strikes me as particularly hilarious. I honestly don't think it will ever get old.
Oh Wizard girl. I do hope that any embarrassment you suffered when your trusted caretaker took video footage of you at your most endearingly vulnerable state of intoxication, and then shared it with the world is soothed at least somewhat by the knowledge that you have given the gift of laughter to millions and millions of people. You ARE a wizard. I will stand side by side with you, armed with my invisible light saber, and we will get back. Revenge will be ours. After a snack, of course.
. . . So there you have it, the first installment of The Best Stuff Ever(this week), a potentially recurring feature of the revived and revitalized Mincemeat Manifesto.

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